

ENTERPRISE CONCEPT:  To achieve goals for employees and create value for society.

CULTURAL CONCEPT:  To build the company as home,  to work as a career.

QUALITY CONCEPT:  Create industry standards and meet customer needs.

SALES CONCEPT:  Excavate potential demand and serve all customers.

DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT:  Based on reality, explore the future.

HIREING CONCEPT :  Hand in hand go ahead, never give up.


BEHAVIOR CONCEPT:  People are responsible, conscientious and devoted.

TALENT CONCEPT:  Unity and endeavor, dare to bear, willing to give.

邻水| 秦安县| 丰县| 莲花县| 陵川县| 湄潭县| 防城港市| 中阳县| 宁安市| 和政县| 华宁县| 九江市| 全椒县| 重庆市| 盘锦市| 维西| 洮南市| 广饶县| 梁山县| 宾阳县| 敦化市| 崇礼县| 泽普县| 阿勒泰市| 阳曲县| 渝北区| 临漳县| 平江县| 诸城市| 黎川县| 平塘县| 珲春市| 界首市| 镇沅| 石林| 紫云| 尼木县| 龙门县| 武川县| 儋州市| 威宁|